
August Penkert GmbH
Xantener Str.12
45479 Mülheim an der Ruhr
Tel.: ++49(0)208-41969-0
Fax.: ++49(0)208-41969-22


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How to find us

Location plan

From Frankfurt (A3):

 On the A3 motorway, leave at exit 15 Duisburg-Wedau and travel in the direction of Mülheim a.d. R.-Uhlenhorst/DU-Wedau (0.4 km). At the L138/Uhlenhorststraße turn right (follow sign to Mülheim a.d. R.) and continue on the L138 (1.6 km). At Katzenbruch turn left (0.6 km). At Eintrachtstraße, turn right and continue on the K1 (0.5 km). At Friedhofstraße, turn left (1.5 km) and at the roundabout take the second exit (Heerstraße) (0.5 km). Stop on the right hand side. (Emmericher Str., 0.6 km). At Weseler Str., turn right (0,6 km) and take the exit in the direction of Xantener Str. (0.2 km). Take a sharp turn right into Xantener Str. 12.

From Hamburg (A1):

 On the A1 at exit 78 (Münster-Süd motoway junction) join the A43 in the direction of Dülmen/Recklinghausen. At exit 9 (Marl-Nord motoway junction) join the A52 in the direction of Gladbeck/ Gelsenkirchen-Buer/Marl (18.9 km). Continue on the B224 (Sign to Hannover/ Oberhausen/Essen). On the A2, take the Oberhausen/Emden slip road (11.8 km). Continue on the A3 (10.9 km). At exit 14 (Kaiserberg motoway junction) travel on the A40 in the direction of DU-Kaiserberg/ Mülheim a.d. Ruhr/Essen (1.2 km). At exit 14 (Duisburg-Kaiserberg) travel in the direction of DU-Kaiserberg fahren. Take the right fork, following the signs to Mülheim an der Ruhr and the Carl-Benz-Straße. At Ruhrorter Str. turn right and continue on the Ruhrorter Str. (2.1 km). At the roundabout, take the second exit (Weseler Str.) (2.1 km), then take a sharp turn right into Xantener Str. 12.