
Cooperation with the university

Creativity and a spirit of research create innovative products

Mülheim an der Ruhr, 4 June 2019: Student projects enable companies and organisations to deal with complex problems without major financial outlay. The latest example: HRW Students of mechanical engineering and technical production management solve a problem for the Mülheim-based company August Penkert GmbH.August Penkert GmbH is one of the leading manufacturers of high-quality occupational safety products in Germany. In addition to the production of body protection articles, the company also offers protective sheathing for moving machine parts with a focus on bellows and loading hoses. Previously, a bellows was wound, sewn or glued. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology in the mechanical engineering laboratory of the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences, further creative production possibilities are opening up.Jan Melchior (Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering), Daniel Heiderich and Jan Kissmann (Master of Mechanical Engineering) dealt with two new manufacturing processes for movable protective elements according to the company's specifications. Prof. Dr. Joachim Friedhoff, head of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, provided advice and support during the research work.  At the end of May, they presented the results of their research and development work to company representatives in the laboratory. They presented two new processes to Martin Eberhard, Technical Director of August Penkert GmbH:First, Daniel Heiderich presented protective elements manufactured directly in the 3D printer. Various materials were tried out until the optimum result was achieved. Only the conversion of the 3D printer in combination with a special material brought the desired success. Heiderich always kept an eye on the production costs. He had tested the protective elements in a test stand he had developed himself; they withstood a very high test cycle.Jan Kissmann and Jan Melchior dealt with a second method. They received the material for their research and development work from Penkert. However, the students independently designed and constructed the mould for their protective elements in the CAD system. In the end, as they reported themselves, they produced a "creative but simple mould". Kissmann and Melchior's next big challenge was to evenly heat and shape the material. They also tested their products on their own test bench.Their conclusion: "Both processes are ideally suited for producing protective elements in different quantities and sizes".After the presentation, the company representatives were impressed. "This saves the company several hours of research work. The quality demands of our customers, whether for very small production quantities or very high quantities, have increased. These two developed processes allow us to remain competitive and even give us advantages, e.g. in terms of delivery times. Unfortunately, we lack the freedom to deal with new technologies and innovative processes in our day-to-day production," explains Martin Eberhard.This is the advantage of an application-oriented university. In addition to teaching and research, the third pillar at the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences is strengthened: transfer services. Prof. Dr. Joachim Friedhoff knows that this will further shape the strategic role and profile of the university in the regional innovation system. He, too, was enthusiastic about the high motivation and results orientation of his students ("there were also some setbacks"). "With these projects, the students learned to master the entire process chain. Material purchasing, cost control, tool design, production and quality management. Innovative products and processes were developed here with a spirit of research," says Friedhoff.The results are now handed over to the company as client. August Penkert GmbH has received solutions at low cost and risk that are based on the latest knowledge, are surprisingly creative and thus ensure the long-term competitiveness of the company on the world market.10 years Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences10 years ago, on 1 May 2009, the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences was founded. We can look back on a successful career and are proud to report a total of 6,377 students in 21 Bachelor's and nine Master's programmes in the 2018/19 winter semester. We say thank you and would like to celebrate our 10th birthday together! You can read more about this here: